It's a new day, go out and explore...
You live only once. So go and do something with it.
Make a difference. Your life, your adventure. No regrets!
Everybody deserves a second chance, even killers.
Leave the judgment over on God's Hands...
There is faith, hope and love. But the greatest of all is LOVE.
Let love be the reason to live or die, to give or to take, to come or to go.
Peace in our hearts = Peace to/in the world
Driving around on my white blue vespa,
.....nice sun,,,,
,,,,good music....
juz enjoying every second of this great live God has gaven me....
Love, Faith, Music & Dreams are what drives me.....
But of those 4, the biggest is LOVE...
Peace in our hearts, Peace in the World...
Jah Bless! "Rastafarian Soul"
Long way round and under, its my life....juz luv it.
What makes me strong; Filipi 4:13,
tetap bertahan walaupun dunia keras,
cause with You I can handle anything in my way,
biar semuanya tahu under God is how I play...
Hold on....everything will be alright....
Im loving this live, Thank God for your blessings..
Good things happen when you stay strong and possitive,
don't let life get you down.
Peace in your heart, peace in the world.
Still walking the line.. Trying to stay strong and wise.
Thank God that I'll always be blessed with love. You just gotta figure it out..
Work Hard, Play Hard... Live your life!!
Sum of ma friends say that its ok 2 fuck things up n make mistakes, cuz that's when u axually learn sumthing.
Things that U learn da hard way U'll never forget.
Regret always comes later, but Hope never can.
Have Hope & Faith and walk by it. U felt down just to come back stronger.
Sum1 once said; "Its not bout how many n how strong U can hit, but how many hits U can take n stand up again n take sum more"
Live your life, dont worry,,
Enjoy the moments, happiness and sorrow, smiles and tears..
The duality of life, keep the balance.
Stop thinking bout what you aint got and be thankfull for what you do got.
Jah bless ya people out there......
Everyone, have a lovely day!
ME = The most happiest guy in de world....
Using my experiences wisely is with infituation and love for the sake of a better tomorrow.
Big credits for JC..
Begitu banyak orang2 yg katanya pintar dan intelek tapi nyatanya munafik yg lebih sibuk ngurusin porn "o" grafi artis daripada koruptor busuk yg duduk tertawa dgn perut buncit kekenyangan makan dari hasil korupsi!
Credits for Jolly HL
A homie of mine once said;
,,,,,, "Mind your own business and live your life!"
Credits to R.S.
Kabinet: RAPOR MERAH!! Semua hal yg busuk pasti akan kecium...
Coba bener2 urusin bangsa daripada kekayaan pribadi,urusan&kepentingan kelompok.
Marilah kita bangun bangsa ini bersama secara jujur(transparan-demokratif).
Stop berbohong pada rakyat, kita sudah capek jadi korban dari semua omong kosong kalian!!!
"Lighting up the darkness"
Injecting the world with love, peace and positive energy.
Jah bless us all...
Credits to Mr. B.Marley
Knowing others is intelligence.
Knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength.
Mastering yourself is true power.
Whatever you do, make sure that you stay happy and focused only to happiness.
The hell with getting hurt and feeling like shit.
Stay happy, dont worry cause everything is gonna be OK.
Bersukacitalah dalam segala hal...
So let's be Happy all the time....Hahahaha!
Persetan dengan stress, frustasi, drama, and all of that "not important to feel" things...
Live, here I come(on my old school hardknock kick-ass bike)!
Jah bless ya brothers and sisters....
“If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.”
- Epictetus -
A shout out for Balian, Dialog Dini Hari, No Stress, Geeksmile, Navicula for giving us a Damn real dope awesome show @ Bali Seafearer's. You guys totaly rocked the place & croud. We hope that the money collected and the support of everyone who was there at least can help the people at Nusa Ceningan. God bless all you...
I won't worry my life away...
Ride into the sunset and
Rock 'N Roll untill the end...
Live is a wonderful ride if you try to look at the positive sides of it..
Life true, Ride save, Jah bless.
Ya'll guys have a right to say what you think,
but for real I only LOL reading you peoples text.
Say what you want, I will not worry my life away anyway....Hahahahaha......
Of the record: It is an originally written text.
Straight out of my soul.
God bless you people anyway.
People say: "Knowledge is power" that is true,
but I think that;
"Positive thinking,
praying and
hard working
without complaining" is real power.
Negativity will only drain your energy away.
So I say;
-I will not worry my life away!
Live high,
live righteously,
live mighty,
taking it easy-
Jah bless all of Ya'll out there. Peace.
UR mindset is exually what drives U and what keeps U floating on the surface even in the heaviest storms.
So be carefull of what and how U think,
cuz it will shape UR feature.
-Rony Hardline-
You are a victim of the rules you life by.
"-choose them well!-
"If there is no way out, make one/create one",
don't give in on life's problems.
It is not about how big or small the problem is,
but what you do about it.
Flying in clouds of peace and love..
.....Don't let the world take your love away..
The TRUTH can hurt, but in the end it's always WORTH the pain.
If that's what you want, then I'll let it be.
Take care of urself,..
Life's full of Energy, if you'd just look a bit deeper...
Enjoy, embrace, give thanks, be gratefull, smile, life!
Wishing you all a great adventure.,,
.Rony Hardline.
*Harder - Better - Faster - Stronger*
KESABARAN (dapat) menghasilkan KEBERHASILAN-
Hidup Rock' N Roll dan belantika Rock Indonesia!!
((P.S. Navicula: U totally blowed my mind away))
Some things that seem and look like something, does not mean that they are so..
Looks can always fool you.
Check it out before you go judging people...
Don't worry, be happy... Everything's gonna be ok...
Have a little faith, Just keep on sucking on possitive energy...Hallelujah!
Haysee Lacial Jah' Rastafaran - One Love
I'm like an orange, you need to cut through the skin/the outside before you get the sweetness inside...
Don't bite on my skin cause it's bitter, check out the sweet juice inside.
"Don't judge from the outside, look further than where the eye sees."
ThanX every1 for da wishes, wishing all of U also a good & successful new year.
Also apologizing for all de wrongs & mistakes in 2010.
-God bless all of U-
There's always a price to pay for real freedom,
looking live right in His eyes...
I shall overcome!
Let the process roll, it shapes the result.
Psychedelic Mushrooms + Inspiration + Positive energy + Brainstorm of ideas + good friends + Smashing Live Rock n' Rollin music Act = SOUL FOOD
The power of positive thinking is really amazing...
Listen to your heart and soul...
Trust your feelings... They never lie...
Others will try to look down on you and make you feel sorry about yourself,
lift your head up.
There is nothing that is impossible if you believe.
"Some come and go, some stay"
When negativity surrounds, I never let it put me down.
I know one day it'll all turn around...
(((One Day)))
Wahai hati yang lelah,
Palingkanlah hatimu dari kekhawatiran yang sia-sia,
jauhkanlah telingamu dari gunjingan hasut,
pindahkanlah matamu dari pemandangan yang tidak mulia,
keluarkanlah dirimu dari pekerjaan dan pergaulan yang tidak jujur,
dan bersihkanlah jiwamu dari niat-niat yang tidak adil.
Itulah cara menghadapkan wajahmu kepada Yang Maha Esa...
Life is too beautiful to be a pessimist..
Perangilah segala bentuk penjajahan Neo-Kolonialisme terhadap bangsa dan negara tercinta kami ini...
Waspadai gerakan mereka yang sudah pelan2 memasuki dan menghancurkan kemakmuran bangsa ini...
Mari kita melawan!
Tuhan menciptakan waktu bukan karena kebetulan, melainkan agar dapat menghapuskan segala kegagalan dan kesalahan masa lalu.
Tinggalkan lah kegagalan masa lalu, berusahalah untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.
Im so fuckin tired of all the damn hate and bullshit in this world...
Aren't you all tired of fighting all the time hah...
Where is the love?
Ask yourself!
What you need to do is being thankful for the life that you got, stop living and screaming there for what you ain't got and start being thankful for what you do got...
- Peace -
What would our world be like if we ceased to worry about
"right" and "wrong,"
or "good" and "evil,"
and simply acted so as to maximize well-being, our own and that of others?
Would we lose anything important?
Kau tidak perlu mengetahui jumlah seluruh anak tangga untuk menaiki tangga,
hanya pijak dan yakini suatu saat puncak tangga pasti tercapai..
Malam yang gelap selalu diikuti pagi yang terang..
Begitupun kita merasakan dan mengalami kesedihan agar kita tahu apa itu kebahagiaan.
We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace..
Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself:
I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today.
I can choose which it shall be.
Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet.
I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.
- Expecting the unexpected -
(((One of the biggest crimes of this Decade in Indonesia)))
By the very respected Bakrie corporate and our very wise and funny government who likes to corrupt and fool us with there "good government" bullshit that has left the people around Lapindo only with dirt and mud...
God save our beloved Nation, Pray for Indonesia.
Thanks, God bless us all.
Too many people are only willing to defend rights that are personally important to them. It's selfish ignorance, and it's exactly why totalitarian governments are able to get away with trampling on people. Freedom does not mean freedom just for the things I think I should be able to do. Freedom is for all of us. If people will not speak up for other people's rights, there will come a day when they will lose their own.
Keeping the Faith in all the good things left in this crazy world...
The true Apocalypse is only gonna happen when we stop caring for one another.
Jah bless our country and all of us.
Kebahagiaan berasal dari hatimu, bukan hartamu, apalagi perutmu.
Adalah lebih baik berada di dalam gubuk tetapi engkau tertawa,
daripada berada di dalam istana namun engkau menangis tergugu.
Selamat pagi dunia...
I just don't understand why the hack people love throwing there rubbish in water streams, canals, rivers, lakes, on open land, public places...or do they just love making there "Paradise" Island(Bali) dirty??!!? I just don't dig it...It just makes me furious man...Hey all you beautiful people out there, let's start acting green and throw your rubbish at it's place...thank you all, God bless us.
Live is so seriously beautiful, I am so grateful for the live I'm livin'.
Thank you Jahwe for putting this joyful spirit inside of me.
Shine brothers, Shine sisters, we are all meant to shine.
Jah bless us all. One love.
"Happiness is real when shared..."
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.
The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
(M.B. Thank you so much for your courage and love)
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
Nelson Mandela
Satu pikiran, satu tujuan
Satu harpan, satu impian
Satu pandangan, satu kejayaan
Satu kejujuran, satu kebaikan
Satu cinta untuk kebahagiaan
Satu cinta untuk kedamaian
Satu Cinta...
The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling,
but in rising every time we fall.
Are you really 1% out of the 99%, are you a free man or are you a slave to / for something or someone ?!?!?
Freedom is a choice, make up your mind.
Tak seorangpun memegang kendali atas kebahagiaanmu selain kamu sendiri;
oleh karena itu, kamu mempunyai kuasa untuk merubah apapun tentang dirimu atau hidupmu yang ingin kamu rubah.
Kejarlah cita citamu, gapailah impianmu, wujudkanlah mimpi-mu.
Yang seharusnya kita lakukan adalah bersyukur akan kehidupan yang kita punya.
Berhentilah mengeluh tentang yang tidak kita miliki
dan mulailah berterimakasih dan bersyukur untuk apa yang kita miliki...
Semoga Tuhan memberkati kita semua.
"Hidup adalah pilihan"
....dan saya memilih untuk bahagia,
apa kata dunia adalah hal yg kesekian....
I do my best, and let God do the rest...
God bless all of you out there.
....When Tyranny becomes LAW,
REBELLION becomes DUTY ...!
"The FreeFLow of Inspiration and Feel"
Let it flow... I feel it like the wind that hits my face, a natural feeling of the freedom to create your own world; whatever you want, how, where, when...
You can do whatever you wanna do...
Believing, creates the actual fact...
Why? Because God gave you the power to do so.
Good luck my brothers and sisters. God bless you all out there.
---my status on facebook since 2009 until 2011---