Gratitude and Optimism
May 11, 2012
April 26, 2012
Tindakan Bung Karno jelas nggak disenengin boss-boss besar perusahaan
minyak asing, apalagi Bung Karno berhasil rebut Irian Barat, gertak
Imperialis Inggris, bilang ke Malaysia, “Revolusi Indonesia adalah
lonceng kematian imperialisme” dalam ancamannya ke Malaysia Bung Karno
berpidato yang konteks-nya amat berjangkauan panjang “sebab het wezen
atau inti daripada imperialisme adalah, membuat bangsa-bangsa tidak
berdiri di atas kaki sendiri. Prinsip inti imperialisme ialah membuat
bangsa-bangsa memerlukan barang-barang bikinan imperialis, memerlukan
persenjataan pihak imperialis, memerlukan bantuan pihak imperialis”
Disini Bung Karno sudah memperkirakan bahwa pada akhirnya akan ada
bentuk NeoImperialisme dalam bentuk Modal yang membuat bangsa-bangsa
‘lemah modal’ bergantung pada bangsa ‘kuat modal’.
Keberanian Bung
Karno ini kemudian bikin marah boss-boss minyak asing, apalagi Bung
Karno bisa rebut Irian Barat dengan diplomasi gertak tanpa harus
menembakkan sebiji rudal-pun. Setelah Irian Barat takluk, Negara barat
pun menggunakan taktik intelijen dan kontra intelijen buat ngadepin Bung
Karno, akhirnya Bung Karno jatuh beneran di tahun 1967. Dia diinternir,
setelah kejatuhan Bung Karno masih ada Ibnu Sutowo yang mati-matian
masih pegang amanat Bung Karno bikin Permina besar, semasa awal Orde
Baru nama Permina diganti jadi Pertamina, Suharto sendiri belum
menemukan orang sehebat Ibnu Sutowo yang bermodalkan hanya tambang
minyak tua di Pangkalan Brandan dengan empat meja dan lima kursi serta
tiga sepeda bisa membangun kilang minyak terbesar di Asia. Saat itu Ibnu
berambisi menjadikan Pertamina sebagai perusahaan minyak raksasa,
sebagai pendorong ekonomi nasional, semua lini industri dimasuki
Pertamina untuk memancing perekonomian swasta bergerak, mulai dari Real
Estate, Pangan sampai pada Rumah Sakit, dibawah jaringan Pertamina. Ibnu
juga berani maen spekulasi, ia bangun LNG, gas cair yang ditertawakan
pembesar Jepang, tapi Ibnu berhasil dengan spekulasi itu, lalu Ibnu
dijebak pada pembatalan pinjaman jangka panjang, Ibnu dituduh korupsi,
Pak Harto juga takut bila Ibnu besar maka akan mudah membiayai
lawan-lawan politiknya, saat itu rivaal Suharto masih kuat dan awalnya
mereka dulu atasan Suharto seperti Nasution, Bung Hatta atau Sri Sultan
HB IX, Suharto juga takut dengan anak buahnya yang naik daun macam
Jenderal Mitro, Jenderal Jusuf ataupun Jenderal Ali Moertopo, semua
adalah ancaman Suharto dalam merebut Istana Merdeka dari tangan Suharto.
Mundurnya Ibnu Sutowo, juga berarti hancurnya rencana besar minyak
nasional yang berencana bukan saja sebagai Perusahaan Minyak terbesar di
Asia, tapi Perusahaan Minyak terbesar di dunia.
Kini saya hanya
mengelus dada, melihat SPBU-SPBU asing itu menguasai pinggir-pinggir
jalan raya, bahkan untuk menguasai pasar retail saja orang Indonesia
tidak bisa menjadi Panglima-nya. Kini orang Indonesia dipaksa beli
Pertamax oleh pemerintahan budak asing ini, padahal persediaan Premium
masih berlimpah, Pemerintah hanya ingin jual Premium ke pasar spekulasi,
banyak orang Indonesia susah karena didikte atas kemauan Pasar Bebas.
Benar kata Bung Hatta di masa lampau di tahun 1954 ketika berpidato di
depan Pabrik Tekstil milik pengusaha Indonesia yang baru aja diresmikan
sendiri oleh Bung Hatta “Apalah arti Kemerdekaan bila orang Indonesia
tak punya hak-hak ekonomie-nya?”
Dulu saya sering heran kalo liat SPBU macem Shell, Petronas dan SPBU asing lainnya yang berjajar di pinggir jalan, mereka berdagang tapi nggak ada yang beli, apa mereka untung? Tapi kenapa mereka membangun gedung yang megah walaupun pelangganya nyaris dikatakan kosong melompong, tak ada mobil yang mau belok ke SPBU asing yang cuman jualan Pertamax. Kini saya baru mengerti ternyata itu diskon atas ...investasi yang mereka lakukan, lalu bagaimana mereka bisa yakin berbisnis di Indonesia, ternyata mereka memang udah tau arah perkembangan ekonomi politik kita sekarang, regulasi minyak kita mengarah pada Pasar Bebas, Pemerintah lebih suka menjual premium ke pasar spekulasi NYMEX, ketimbang nyalurin ke rakyatnya sendiri. Jadi saya paham bagaimana kemudian 40 perusahaan asing memegang beslit lisensi 20.000 hak pembangunan SPBU, ini artinya nanti bakal ada 800.000 SPBU asing bermain di pasaran distribusi ritel.
Rupanya kita harus belajar ‘Ilmu Sinyalemen, Ilmu Pertanda’. Adanya SPBU asing, regulasi yang dipermainkan dan trik-trik politik dagang yang dikenalkan ke ruang publik adalah bagian besar penggiringan ekonomi Indonesia ke dalam pasar bebas yang mendikte ruang ekonomi rakyat. Untuk memahami ini dan memeriksa kenapa bangsa kita jadi budak asing dan bego begini tak mengerti bagaimana membangun pasar sendiri, kita juga harus mengerti sejarah, dulu di tahun 1960 Bung Karno mengundang Chaerul Saleh, Achmadi, Djuanda Kartawidjaja, Ibnu Soetowo dan Jenderal Nasution ke Istana Negara pada suatu pagi, mereka ngobrol tentang politik minyak bumi nasional. “Aku ingin Permina menjadi Perusahaan minyak raksasa, perusahaan yang mampu berdikari, mampu menopang perekonomian Indonesia, Permina bisa digunakan sebagai alat pertama dalam membangun ekonomie Indonesia, seluruh perusahaan minyak asing yang ada di Indonesia ini saya tekan harus bantu Permina, selain bisa ngebor minyak sendiri, membangun rafinerij-nya (rafinerij =kilang, bahasa Belanda), juga mampu membangun jaringan distribusinya, dari situ kemudian terbentuk Pasar bangsa sendiri”.
Bung Karno adalah Presiden RI yang terobsesi membangun perekonomian Indonesia yang kuat, Indonesia mampu membangun pasar-pasarnya sendiri, perekonomiannya harus dipegang “Orang Indonesia sebagai Panglima” seperti yang ia bilang pada Dasa’at ketika ia didatangi Dasa’at yang baru saja pulang dari kunjungan bisnis di Amerika Serikat dan membawakan dasi serta parfum Shalimar, parfum kesukaan Bung Karno : “Heh, Dasa’at aku ini bermimpi membawa Indonesia menjadi bangsa yang besar, bangsa yang bisa membangun seluruh jaringan pasar-pasarnya sendiri di semua kota, seluruh perdagangan dipegang orang Indonesia, pendek kata “Orang Indonesia harus jadi Panglima atas ekonomie Indonesia”. Itulah mimpi Bung Karno, dan ia bertarung dalam mimpi itu. Ia bikin Revolusi, ia jungkir balikken keadaan. Bung Karno bilang “Kebudayaan yang Berkepribadian, akan menyokong kesejahteraan, ia bukan sadja penjumbang peradaban dunia, tapi djuga penjumbang ekonomie bagi bangsanja” Bung Karno berkata itu kemudian benar adanya, sekarang Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Jepang dan Korea Selatan mampu menjadikan produk budaya mereka sebagai sumber ekonomie besar yang menyumbang kesejahteraan bangsanya.
January 31, 2012
I Promise My Self
To be so STRONG that nothing can disturb my PEACE of mind.
To talk HEALTH, HAPPINESS, and PROSPERITY to every person I meet.
To make all my friends feel that there is something WORTWHILE in them.
To look at the SUNNY SIDE of everything and make my OPTIMISM come true.
To think only of the BEST, to work only for the best,
and to expect only the best.
To be just as ENTHUASTIC about the SUCCESS of
others as I am about my own.
To FORGET the mistakes of the past and press on the
To wear a CHEERFUL EXPRESSION at all times and give a SMILE
to every living creature I meet.
To give so much time to IMPROVING myself that
I have NO TIME to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To THINK WELL of myself and to PROCLAIM this fact to the world,
not in loud words, but in GREAT DEEDS.
To LIVE in the FAITH that the whole world is on my side,
so as long as I am true to THE BEST THAT IS IN ME.
Sincerely signed by me;
Rony Woly
November 27, 2011
Help CHANGE the world, Be a Revolutionary...
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living.
I want to know what you ache for,
And if you dare to dream of meeting
Your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are.
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool
For love, for your dream,
For the adventure of being alive.
I want to know if you can be with joy,
Mine or your own,
If you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes
Without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic,
or to remember the limitations of being human.
I want to know if you can see beauty
Even when it is not pretty every day,
And if you can source your life
From its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure,
Yours and mine,
And still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the full moon,
It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair,
Weary and bruised to the bone,
And do what needs to be done for the children.
It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you
From the inside
When all else falls away.
It doesn't interest me who you are, how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
In the center of the fire with me
And not shrink back
I want to know what you ache for,
And if you dare to dream of meeting
Your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are.
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool
For love, for your dream,
For the adventure of being alive.
I want to know if you can be with joy,
Mine or your own,
If you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes
Without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic,
or to remember the limitations of being human.
I want to know if you can see beauty
Even when it is not pretty every day,
And if you can source your life
From its presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure,
Yours and mine,
And still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the full moon,
It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have.
I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair,
Weary and bruised to the bone,
And do what needs to be done for the children.
It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied.
I want to know what sustains you
From the inside
When all else falls away.
It doesn't interest me who you are, how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand
In the center of the fire with me
And not shrink back
November 14, 2011
I am a Revolutionary
It's not about how long I've been a Revolutionary but how long it takes to grow. Because what is, what is. If you're already big, in the end you can never change it, cause you addopt things and later filter it right out...So I am a Revolutionary from creation ya know. It's not an easy thing to explain in a educated standard way. But still you have people who can do it.
I use a common sense man, that means if I explain things in a very simple way that means if I explain to a baby the baby will understand too ya know...
Like Herb man, Herb is just a plant...I mean, herb is good for everything(it cures cancers and many other deceases) man, for everyone.
Why? Why, these people who want to do so much good for everyone. Who call themselves Governments and this and that...why them say you must not use the Herb??? Because they say you must not use it because it make you rebel...
Against what?!?!?!?!?!????
Why? Why, these people who want to do so much good for everyone. Who call themselves Governments and this and that...why them say you must not use the Herb??? Because they say you must not use it because it make you rebel...
Against what?!?!?!?!?!????
Against man who don't have heart at all, because them create all these material things. All of that will captivate your mind until you say: Well you have to work and than put me on pension and then keep it all...
So herb make ya look/search for yourself. Instead ya don't want to work for the money.
But in this time, I mean for instance; ya reaching out a sense where ya strong enough, where you can take a little smoke so when all of them cars pass ya where you're living in a big city you don't hear them cause your thinking.
I mean the world will confuse ya so your worried and you don't have the time to think.
Herb is a thing that will give you a little time for yourself, so ya can live.
If ya use it...
I mean the world will confuse ya so your worried and you don't have the time to think.
Herb is a thing that will give you a little time for yourself, so ya can live.
If ya use it...
Alcohol...what about it? Alcohol make ya drunk man. It don't make ya meditate, it just make ya drunk. When ya drink alcohol ya don't meditate. Ya more hard headed. Herb is more a consciousness.
I don't care, it is the people who make it outlaw are just a few. The majority of the people want it. And just the few is because of guns and prisons and bad life, tread you bad so people can not smoke...but for those who want people power...Love is the only real people power!
Media, as if I run a newspaper I would do a lot of interviews. As what I wanted to say would get it across. When I want to say something to someone I go to someone and than I'm there to speak about business...and if it is to militant them try to spread a type of propoganda... I mean, media is a media a media... hahahahaha...LOL... it is controlled.
Well what is dubbling politics, I don't know what that is. It's a standard of mine where I say: "My rights, are my rights!"
And I don't care who the guy is, because my rights is my rights. Like my live, you know. All I have is my live. That means if I can say: I don't want that or I don't want this. When I check it out, the biggest man was a baby one time. So I don't know where they get all these big ideas about wanting to be rulers over people. And they ask the devil for help and all, ya can't dig it man... ya can't....hahahahah...LOL.... can't take it.
But whatever, a Revolutionary is...ya know.
YES! I see myself as a Revolutionary. Who don't have no help.
YES! I see myself as a Revolutionary. Who don't have no help.
And I don't take no fight from no one, I'll fight it single handed.
Yeaaaah with love and music.
Yeaaaah with love and music.
True Rasta is the future.
Jah bless ya all my brothers & sisters.
November 09, 2011
Get rid of the Television!!
Aren't you all also sick and tired of all of the bullshit played on television.
But even if you do agree with me you people are still obeying the voice of the television
and giving it a lot of your time for it per day.
Wake up! You are all being Hypnotized on a mass scale repeatedly over and over again until
your brains accept everything without thinking straight anymore to only consume
everything that is designed for all of you to see.
You are all made to be machines of consumption!
Wake up and liberate yourself from all this evil around us.
Educate yourself and refuse to be doctrined by the Capitalist.
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